Bridge Palestine Program Journey in 2015 - 2018

You and your colleagues will undergo trainings in a form of group interaction activities in the four English language skills, which are: writing, reading, conversation and listening.You and your colleagues will undergo trainings in a form of group interaction activities in the four English language skills, which are: writing, reading, conversation and listening.

You will engage with your colleagues in programs to develop your personal abilities in critical and creative thinking, scientific research, technology, engineering and mathematics through innovative and unique methods. You will be motivated to explore knowledge as a learning partner not only a receiver.

Our summer program includes a variety of activities, lectures, discussions and trips which will trigger your leadership and initiative skills and your abilities to face the social challenges. Additionally, the career counselling program will later on support your decision making in regard to selecting the appropriate occupation which fit most with your predilections and abilities.

Preparations for the second stage
In this stage, qualified participants will be selected to the second year of the program based on their abilities and commitment to the program.

This program offers intensive trainings according to your academic and non-academic interests whether in applied sciences, humanities, music, sports, literature, or commercial projects. And if you had an innovative idea for a project, the program will support you to participate in national and international competitions.

You will be connected with a group of academic and professional prominent advisors in order to follow up with your personal development in accordance with your filed advising plan.

To acquire the effective listening to lectures and writing notes, participation in discussions, writing articles, delivering oral and written reports, you will receive advanced trainings in English skills and will learn a pool of terminologies related to Science, Arts and Literature.

This part includes the preparations to pass the prerequisite exams which are used in the universal universities such as the TOEFL and IELTS etc. This as well includes raising the efficiencies in the interviews and filling the university’s application forms in a way which will support your chances of enrolment. Additionally, the Summer school provides a limited number of chances to participate in international summer schools.

In this stage, qualified students will be selected to apply for international universities Program mentors will follow up with these students and provide consultation.

This stage includes making the primary universal exams such as the TOFEL and IELTS.

Bridge Palestine Program does not provide scholarships if the student received an acceptance from specific Universities, nevertheless, the program will link the accepted students with local and international scholarships foundations.